Krachwerke Clean Boost Pedal
(well, clean'ish boost)
Krachwerke Clean Boost pedal is a high dB volume pedal, a huge amount of volume on tap. Caps at font and end attenuate the very lows and very highs perfectly for guitar signals (also good for bass). Depending on the load coming into the pedal it might put a little bit of hair on the signal in a very musical way.
How to use:
Clean Boost first in line just after guitar and boost the signal adding a slight bit of hair to the signal and boosting wahtever comes after. Ideal for driving low gain channels for extra oomph and sustain. Dial the volume up and make your amp sing.
Keeps guitar tone clear and responds well to guitar volume yet ads loads of sustain.
After effects ads cleanish volume.
In the FX loop it can be used to boost or attenuate the overall volume, especially in amps that don't have a master volume.
Boost pedals are incredible tools, basic in its circuit yet ad so much.
Demos to follow soon.